Looky here! Our next JokeRs Girl of the week is our resident
ninja Sugarbutt (Kairi Zamani) lets see what this cutiepie has on her mind:
The JokeRs Playhouse
Blog: How does it feel to be the Jokers Girl/Court Jester of the Week?
Kairi: Oh Em Gee....I feel like a celebrity *Holds an award and weeps like Taylor Swift*
...NOT! hehe
TJPB: What made you decide to become a Jokers girl?
Kairi: The whole atmosphere., there's no drama and I love
everyone that comes here.
TJPB: What do you like most about the Jokers Playhouse?
Kairi: The people, the whole atmosphere, I jus love them
random chats I walk into hehe
TJPB: Please tell us about the first time you came to The
Jokers Playhouse, your first experience:
Kairi: , As a punter I felt at home, welcomed in like I was
one of their own. As a Jokers Girl, from what I remember I came in and was
nervous, but as I love chatting I was surprised that my nerves went away and I
felt right at home. Also made a lot of tips but besides that it's an awesome
place and my 2nd home.
TJPB: Ya, I have to ask...whats a punter?
Kairi: Oh peeps who come in, its a UK thing hehe anyone who
walks in your club/pub or bar they're punters!
(Sidenote: Ooo... Sugarbutt has a sexy english accent yummm!)
TJPB: Ok, random question... If you had to have a cow or a
pig, which would you take? Why?
Kairi; Cow... cos I love milk and one time I went camping in
RL and remember waking up to a field of em and jus ran around in my jammies
shouting Mooooo which shit them up and they all ran off...LOL
**As you all can see, Sugar is a quirky, hilarious ball of
awesome and now everything she types we have to read in an english accent lol
She is an excellent part of our family and deserves to be in the spotlight this
week she also models for Delirium Style(our Saturday sponsor :D), owns *Tastes
Like Chicken* and has a fabulous blog you must check out
Don't miss Sugarbutt in action at JokeRs:
Mon 2-4pm