Hello! It's time for another beautiful Jokers Girl to feast your eyes upon, this time we bring the lovely Nana (nanagirl75 Resident) to you, one of our many great assets, here is what she's got for us:
The JokeRs Playhouse Blog: How does it feel to be the Jokers Girl/Court Jester of the Week?
Nanagirl75: I fell very honored and proud to be chosen. it was never expected I just love to do my job and have fun:)
TJPB: What made you decide to become a Jokers girl?
Nanagirl75: I had visited Jokers a few times and loved the club and thought it would be a great place to work.
TJPB: What do you like most about the Jokers Playhouse?
Nanagirl75: I like how we all joke around and have fun and are there for each other.
TJPB: Please tell us about the first time you came to The Jokers Playhouse, your first experience:
Nanagirl75: well, I was really nervous my first day as a jokers girl but everyone made me fell welcome and comfortable fast.
TJPB: Ok, random question... What do you prefer on your man...boxers, briefs or commando? Why?
Nanagirl75: I prefer boxers on my man lol. As to why well i just think they look sexier that way lol:)
Nana (nanagirl75 Resident) is one of our troopers, shes been with us throughout three sims and stuck with us for good and bad, she is super sweet not to mention sexy and a barrel full of fun, she is surely one you don't want to miss so make sure you come check her out when she is working! Come visit Nana!: Wed 8-10pm Sat 6-8pm
*Interview by LunaStar Moonites
**BIG thanks to Sandowl Violet (owner of PMS) for the amazing job on these photos and to LibbyHunny Resident (owner of Belle Poses) for the fabulous poses used in our JokeRs Girls pictures!!
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