Thursday, July 25, 2013

In the Spotlight With Dj Malachi

So here at The Jokers Playhouse Blog we feel the need to take a moment and showcase out talent. Today we take a look at one of the most innovative DJs in Second Life. His “radio show” style sets have become infamous within SL Club lure and are still talked about to this day. DJ Malachi is our first featured spotlight staff member. We grabbed the Jokers Playhouse DJ and asked him a couple questions.

Jokers Playhouse Blog: Mal, thank you for taking the time out to answer these questions…Starting out, what would you say is your fondest memory of DJing in Secondlife?

DJ Malachi: I truly have so many fond memories that I am not sure I would be able to pick just one. Djing has been a great outlet for me and has lead me to so many of the friends I have. It is just a great outlet to express your self and make people laugh.

Jokers Playhouse Blog: You definitely do that for sure. So you obviously have a unique style with the “radio show” feel to your sets. It truly is an original set you do. What made you start it?

DJ Malachi: It has really just evolved as time has passed. For me, getting able to interact with the crowd is my sole purpose. Music allows you to express emotions and inspire so many different feelings. I have just found that laughter is the best medicine and being able to laugh at your self is just another reason for me to get on air week to week. If it ever becomes too routine, it is time to kick it up a notch.

Jokers Playhouse Blog: Well, no one can say your sets are “routine” by any means, ok last question. If you had one piece of advice for a new DJ, what would it be?

DJ Malachi: My advice would be to definitely be your self. Figure out what makes you different. Being a DJ is to be an entertainer. Be positive and use your talent to make the SL world a place of fun and friends.

We want to thank DJ Malachi for taking a few minutes out of his day to answer these questions for us. If you want to know more about DJ Malachi or where you can get more information about him please check out his facebook page To catch DJ Malachi LIVE at the Jokers Playhouse be sure to come down Wednesdays at 6-8 pm SLT.

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